Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Tai Chi Seat Guru, "the tai chi seat guru is ready to assist you in healing"

This lotus being of The Perfected Will.The white symbolizing the 7th chakra known as the Crown chakra where all experience is dissolved and manifested surrounding the Yellow 3rd chakra known as the will chakra. With the light of the 7th chakra surrounding and embracing the 3rd as if giving birth to a will that is unhindered by earthly limitation colored by the earthly experiences yes but not bound to its sensory illusions.
The lotus of the I..

The Tai Chi seat Guru within you must come forward.I know at this moment you are probably wondering who is this guy or even why you are even here listening to me,but I promise you if you try what is here you will find a new world within. When I was a child I used to climb trees and read all types of religious books.I remember climbing in my favorite tree and lying upon the branches reading The Tibetan Book of the Dead.As a child it was just a very interesting book to read about and how different it was from where I was presently.At that time I was around 9 living in East Hills within a no outlet street called Calistoga, still trying to figure out what I was actually experiencing upon this plane.During that time in my life many negative things were manifesting within my family and so I wanted to figure out how to help them but I didn't have the language and I wouldn't quite  have it for a considerable amount of time. I went through my teenage years quite quickly and made some interesting decisions during that time,but it never ceased the nagging in the back of my head the question of why was I here? What was my purpose?

 Like most people I did the same I shoved it done deep as I could until I couldn't deny it any longer during a very special time of a sentient beings stay here, Saturns return .I was 27 at the time
and many weird occurences were starting to happen for instance: I was training a student in my backyard and it was raining heavily and my student noticed that I was not getting wet while she was soaked. The heat from my body was so intense that I was not getting wet. I could go on and on about the things that have happened in such a short span of incarnation but that is not why I am here I am here to end your suffering by initiating the master within yourself to step forward. It will not be easy it never is if it was everyone would be a master.You have to be tired of believing that you can''t heal yourself. You have to be tired of believing you do not have the capability to change your health immediately.

Give me a month of your time and if nothing changes then fair enough leave but I promise you give yourself a dedicated month of learning this and you will make history through your mastery of this skill. I have everything to gain by you doing well at this just like you and it's free just for you. Today I will be putting up video number two for you to learn from be diligent and meticulous go over everything you hear as many times as you need to get it down so nothing is missed.The practices are simple your ego will cause it not to be easy. Never the less this blog will be up for your return whenever you need it.
The tai chi seat guru is a part of what you already are you just have to allow yourself to access this ability.

love and peace

The Tai Chi Seat Guru

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